Monday, November 17, 2008

Can those who read my blog tell me how you define a girlfriend/boyfriend or I should call it your partner. What are they for… what are they to you… who are they to you? What’s the difference compare to being single… or there isn’t any difference?

Is he or she just there for you to lean on, to share thoughts and feelings, to spend time with, and make sure you won’t get bored when you are bored…

Umphx.,well, for me I guess he is someone who came into my life to improve me, letting me know more things, widen my vision, more aware of myself and surroundings. Wanting me to relax and at the same time, work hard. He is a motivation to me at times. .He is someone to look forward to the weekend. He makes me get to know more about cars and English songs which I initially have no interest at all. He seems more like a guardian than just a companion. He is someone whom I have never imagine I would be with. Ah it’s him it’s him. It’s really him. Yes, it’s him.

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