Friday, June 5, 2009

You want to know you are valued and for what reasons. In relationships you like your partner or spouse to acknowledge and appreciate you for who you are as well as for what you do for him or her. You may bend over backwards to do thoughtful things for your partner and will continue to do as long as you feel he or she appreciates your efforts. You may start to resent your partner or feel that you are being taken for granted if you don't get sufficient appreciation. You can prevent this by asking for the credit or acknowledgement you want beforehand and reminding people to acknowledge you.


Loved/cherished/cared for

You are a very loving, caring and sensitive person. You might not have had enough loving and cherishing as a child or even if you had loving parents. You just need more loving, holding or cherishing than others. You may subconsciously choose relationships where you aren't getting enough love and may perceived as 'clingy'. Or you might have the tendency to stay in relationships too long thinking the problem lies with you. To get this need fulfilled, you probably focus on romantic relationships and expect your partner to fulfil you needs, The mistake is thinking that your partner is the only one who can and should fulfil your need to be loved and cherished when friends and family can do this brilliantly.



You naturally resist any sort of control and generally do not like being told what to do or how to do things. You may have a pattern of going out with people who aren't able to commit or aren't truly available. You might also find that you shy away from making personal commitments in relationships for fear that it will tie you down or that you'll lose your freedom and independence. However, if your need for freedom and independence is fulfilled in and out of the relationship you can be a loyal and committed partner.


You might be percieved as a 'know it all' or an intellectual. It bothers you tremendously ans you'll avoid being wrong at all costs. You don't like being told you are wrong, especially in public and will often have the information or evidence to back up your point. In relationships it can be very hard for you to loose an argument and you may even be a poor sport about it, sulking or becoming angry. At work you might resist taking orders from someone you feel isn't right or less intelligent than you. You might have strong religious or spiritual convictions.

Heard/listened to/communicate

If you have the need to communicate or be heard you tend to repeat yourself untill you feel heard and the listener acknowledge you. However when someone repeats themsleves continually the listener usually tunes out, which exacerbates the speaker's feeling of not being heard. Most people with the need to be heard benefit greatly from installing much bigger boundaries and from finding an appropriate outlet.

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