Saturday, April 11, 2009

It feels like an extended long weekend! Anyway, my wonderful Friday starts at 5pm. You must be wondering why but I have no idea what am I doing the whole morning though. woke up at 11? and read newspaper? Think so.

Lea came to my house at 5pm! We are figuring out codes in Dreamweaver for her portfolio. Feels good when we manage to achieve it. Although there's still some error here and there. Anyway after that, she managed to 'psycho' me to club. I just have to get changed and she drag me out of house. I will be mistreating myself if I stayed at home whole day on GoodFriday. Anyway I just tag along, go there and have a look. At Attica, there's free entry and free drinks cause she just get to know someone who is holding an event/promotion there.

Typical clubscene?

Interesting combi though... Ed came too. He brought one friend with him.. eh Our ex? omy.. haha so I have three ex-es? Can it be just one? ops...

As usual, I left early =p
But I didn't head home... went to Marina Square to watch " Shinkjuku Inccident" with his friends. (MS, my memories of birth09! emo)

Then to supper. Never know this place existed. He's bringing me to explore the night spots in sounds wrong?

Hongkong cha chan ting

Ate 'breakfast' together huh... I don't want to be a supper girl =(

I say whatever I want to tell him, my thoughts my feelings. So far still alright. I am happy and hope he is too. Will he be the one who can really accept me. Be yourself when with someone you like- that is not easy. I seems to be single for very long time but in fact in 'status' (which I think its lame.. .it's only love or don't love. Why is there a need for status- then can do anything without obligations? haha), wise... eh I don't wish to continue this. I'm stuck here. haha

Is relationship like a performance, show how good you are, perform well in front of others. Giving by putting up a great show and receiving audience applause?
Nah just random. Thinking about 'giving' and receiving' ... can I don't think? Yes I can

Saturday went to Lea's house to dig her wardrobe for D&D! Later he bought us to frolick, then send us to town. I got 'changed' and She bought a pair of jeans at fleshimp. Oh she got a lot of compliments from the NikeDunk she is huh. My stylish friend... (Hey forgot to take pic of your outfit!)

After she went St James, I went to Central, walked clarkquay, went frolick again (the blueberry flavour is really nice!), went marina at keppel bay-tcc. Wah. The night seems so long..

Ate ramen+salmon rice. They were really nice. (Let's go grilled-fishing some other time!

Drank this decaf latte wih rose buds (initially for him but this drink is just to pinky for a guy. Feels pink when I took a sip. Refreshing!) Let's exchange...

Nice day. Home sweet home.

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