Friday, February 20, 2009

Feeling helpless. I am not a good listener and always don't visualise story and situation well. Attention-span is so short...always drift away halfway through the story. But this time round I need to get things cleared up...have to. I feel sorry for those involved. Feeling so down now. I am affected.. hope things get better soon...

Guess it's end of the month and my mood swings again! boo. Keep thinking I am lousy..

Alright the emo feeling will go off soon.. Love me. Ya I think I need a lot of attention, caring and need thoughtful people around me. I am spoilt as everyone around me are treating me nice. I am fortunate to have friends that share similarities, thoughts, interest and and point of view. Most importantly be myself. It feels great to be appreciated.

likes weird tastes, weird combinations, try new flavours. Not new technology.

enjoy hot drinks and not cold ones

read newspaper

online in the morning

sleep early

prefer pub not club

afraid of sitting in car

afraid of getting close to wealthy people

don't shop

don't know how to appreciate branded goods

currently excited about creating brands

love publication

have to work

look down on herself

want to be cool?

wants to be appreciated.

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