Sunday, December 28, 2008


Most of us is always talking about boyfriend and partners and all that.. finding partner is not easy think finding a true friend is even harder.. It seems like easier to get a boyfriend/girlfriend then friend? Cause opposite sex attracts.. 

It needs fate to be friends.

But how long the friendship can last? Friends forever? no such things..

Its quite true. One moment you two can be so good...talking and chatting non-stop sharing every thing with each other. But when one gets busy or not working at the same place anymore, or probably have own family, new friends, or career, will you still remember your friends? Those are once your friends? Remembering them or not is one things, but do they remember you... so what if they remember. What are friends for actually? To care and share? I think..they make one feels better? Feel cherished? Feel the companion? Well it sounds like talking about what is your boyfriend/girlfriend for... ya sort of the same.. even though is opposite sex but we're still human after all. 

Have you thought of...what are friends for?

In chinese "Hu xiang li yong"? A friend of mine said this, till today I still remember.. its quite true isn't it. When you need her to.... when she needs you... or probably let's go to this place together, let's have fun together.. let's.... talk about... 

Well, don't get the wrong ideas my friends who are reading this. I just want to say this. No matter where you stand as my friend, I am sure moments with you have created a memory for me. Its the "experience" of having you/ you guys beside me or around me. This is the world. A world is make up of us, humans. We have to live with one another. We have to communicate and be dependent on one another. Well dependent to certain extent I should say. Well let's enjoy each others' companion, who doesn't want to feel good and happy and feel better? But..come to think of it. what's feeling good and happy... Aiya, not everything needs a definition. Just let nature takes its course.

What kind of impression do you have on me. I am... I don;t know. I can only think of .....contradicting? I can't describe myself.

Should one really care about how others look at you? What other think of you? Some saying " You should be yourself and not care about what other thinks of you. Be who you are what you are... that's crap.

Who truly don't care? Who will love bad comments. Who does'nt want to change for the better? But what kind of comment is bad... change? change will sure be better? I seems like living for others. I don't have my own... I m very mindful of what others said about me too that's bad. That's tiring. It is not easy to please everyone.. but.. I also don't really care how others look at me, I can just dress like __ and walk down the street.. it depends on my mood I think... Different thoughts at different moments..

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