Thursday, July 31, 2008


So why am I blogging? What do I blog for. From the start I am just updating everyday life-in a rush, feeling that I can't spend too much time in it as I have more value-for-time things to do. Well, maybe a space for me to keep track my busy fulfilling life? Fulfill as in felt fortunate to have friends, great friends I should say around me. They make my day, of course I make my own day too! Today not an emo day so what I've typed are pessimistic. When I am down? Horrible.. Let's try to avoid those sad times, it feels really uncomfortable. Yes, avoid. I choose to run away than to face it. It's like running, releasing those hormones that makes you happy, so let's RUN!

Well, lazy to touch on assignment so just update this little space of mine. I am treating everyone around me to be my live dairy.

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