Monday, October 11, 2010

The song repeats in my head.

"Stop saying unpleasant comments I really don't like to hear that. Are you behind me?"

They are humans too, just that they have a different jobscope that requires people to know them.

Peire is helpful, nice guy *wink*

Let's see when it is showing...

That's not all I want, I want more, more then just this!

Anyway, Rui is friendly too, not as dao as what the media writes about her.


Hanging out.......
Yummy Korean Food at Mosque Street. These are not all, we still have a plate of Rice Cake.

Yeap, just two of us.


Siao char bor x 2...

...goes to 7/11

Dessert time.

To The future ART GALLERY.

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